Wednesday 22 April 2009

What a Stonker.( Deepen Rambling)

WoW!!! what a stonker the weather has been this week already and it's only April, but from past experience we still are not out of the woods, so to speak, as May can be a pain in the rear entrance, me thinks.
Having had a few problems last week and been out of action, mobility wise, I decided to "give it my all" starting Monday with a trip to the Gymn (I always spell it that way as it is an abreviation of gymnasium, yeh ???)and "pumped" away with new found strength and vigour. Early afternoon I made a meal for a friend and myself which we ate outside on the patio along with a few G & T's and Irish coffees. In the evening we decided to put in an appearance at a couple of local Pubs and after a few pints, a Shepheards pie and a few packets of crisps hit the sack at well after midnight which meant the early morning swim evaporated along with the morning dew. The afternoon workout proved to be a disaster as I could not move the weights that I did the previous day let alone lift them." So????? who's fault is that and who cares" I hear you say. Well Jealousy is a terrible thing you know !!! (Look at my face,,,,,,I'm not bovered).
We are now getting to the point of all this waffle(thank goodness)..........This morning at 4.15am.
yes that IS correct, having not been able to sleep, opened the bedroom window as the daylight was just about putting in an appearance. The new day was just laying there, untouched and ready to go with not a sound except a deep rumbling(Seltzer soon took care of that) also a constant traffic drone from the motorway some mile or so away. Yours truly decided in one moment of shear madness , it was time to head outside if only to conduct the "Dawn chorous" as the Birds had not yet burst into song as is so often the case in Spring. I then proceeded to wrap myself around a bowl of Porridge and honey followed by three bacon slices in a toastie.(outside.........5-30am absolutely manic is that????)
Now the trouble with all this weard behaviour is...........One falls asleep on a nice and contented tum, only to awake with the air temperature plumeted,as it does on a clear dawn, chilled to the core and LATE(What a plonker rodders) AND.....................this is the real tired and ready for bed. Think I'll see about trying Hypnosis, or is that Noshipnis, or maybe Sisnypho but I sleep tonight. Have been advised to drink Cammomile tea before bedtime.........ever tried it ?? It's like liquid daisies ( bet I'll be blooming well soon!!) but am giving it a go along with the peppermint tea and Ginger tea.............I wouldnt dare do anything else and risk the wrath of my adviser(ess)!!!!!! .....................Deepen.

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