Thursday 16 April 2009

Posh Nosh, Posh Dosh. (deepen Rambling)

Having been recently widdowed, I thought it about time to shake a leg and get out into the big
wide world, so, arranged to meet my regular lady lunching companion. As a result of a strong
recomended venue, made the necessary arrangements for a midday foray into the gastronomic
delights offered. The location was in a Historical part of the city and as I wandered among the cobbled narrow streets, in the shadow of the cities castle, my mind (such as it is) started to imagine some very strange scenario.I anticipated the sound of horses hoofs (or is that hooves) clipperty clopping en-mass conveying strangely attired forms carrying various weaponary, staffs, bow and arrows, chanting "Down with the Sherriff " etc. Well...... let me tell all of you "doubting Thomases" out there, it really did seem like it.........honest, 'cos I woz there.
Any road uppherds.............I digress...........mmmm..........where woz I?????.........oh yes.....Lunch.
So, having arrived at my location, a few minutes early, (dont believe in keeping the lady waiting) was taken aback by this period building obviously converted into it's present form ideally suited for dining and "dinkies". Standing at the "French doors" entrance to this emporium, remembered thinking as my date walked towards me, Wow!!! are definately out classed here Dee...........definately!!! However, after a few glasses of "pop" a very
nice lunch ensued, accompanied by lots of chat (as you do) and three hours seemed to absolutely
fly by at a great number of knots. Here's to the next time.............................Deepen.

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