Saturday 25 April 2009

The route of life ! (Deepen Rambling)

Today, after much thought I intend to make lots of comments about "The route of life" and where it takes us as if everything is preplanned at some point (unknown). Now dont go running away with the idea that I have gone all religious or worse blown a fuse, cos I aint, but I need to set the scene, so to speak, please bear with me though just for a tick.

After more than thirtyfive years my Wife was diagnosed with Alzeimers and am very proud to say I looked after her on a "seven/twentyfour" basis for more than seven years. This is not the place, but maybe in the future, to go into that "nightmare scenario"but suffice it to say, "It was Hell".

During that time, and beyond,it gives me the greatest of pleasure to report on and honour all (and I feel I may miss some)the wonderful people (Angels in disguise) I(we) met along that route. Natually, there is always at least one "Fly" in the ointment but this is not a perfect world and the people upon it are not perfect either (says he putting hand up to that one). I have a very soft spot for the one fly in question..............A bog in the south of Ireland !......... I digress.

From one end of the Professional spectrum to the other, far too many beautiful people to mention here, all contributed more or less depending upon their role, to easing my burden and changing the route of my life.

Before the point slips into obscurity let me say at this time, all the hell (and there was a huge amount) in some strange way has and is being compensated for as I now feel life is much richer for me than before. Now there is a statement!! but the question still remains in my mind, "Is the route of life planned for us at some point". Many hours have passed in deliberation and pondering so many questions that I do believe this to be the case. Yes I did think our life together would not be interupted by a disaster such as this and if someone had given me definate proof of this impending doom, would have dismissed it out of hand. But IT HAS!! happened and as a result, along this route I have met and am still meeting the most wonderful people and experiencing such lovely events I could never have dreamed of.............I hereby salute and embrace them all.

Is this my reward for all the agony and tears of so many years ? I ask myself .............who knows? Of this point I am sure ...............No one can speak convincingly about this subject without the experience!!!!!!!!................."It aint possible"...............Fact!!.............................Deepen.

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