Sunday 12 April 2009

What a Spring to Clown with.(Deepen Rambling)

Glory be..............Here we are on Easter Sunday 2009 and the dust from christmas has not yet settled. However, I must say that the Spring flowers have given their very best, at least in my modest patch and now with the bulbs fading leaving it to various flowering plants to make up the shortfall. I noticed last evening, after the damp of the day, that certain calm just before dusk was accompanied by occasional twitering(and the birds were singing as well)Nag......Nag....Nag...Nag.
"When Spring is sprung and grass is rizz, I wonder where doze boydiz is..............
Doze boydiz out upon de wing.........
But dats obsoyd, de wings is on de boyd"........
"Jimmy, the word is BIRD".
"Gee Moerh........sure looks like a boyd".
The Elephant is a lovely bird,
It swings from bough to bough,
Makes it's nest in Rhubarb trees,
And whistles like a Cow...................Boom...Boom.
People who live in glass houses should not cross their bridges until their chickens have hatched.

Phew! I feel much better for that, but of course this blogging platform does allow one to digress somewhat, would you know especially if one is wearing ones broyn troysers and drinking broyn windsor soup..........nyes???....hiah....hiah.........

So,,,,,getting back to this Spring thing.........I have just been thinking..........(quite a task in my case)..............Polyanthus............does one say, "Polyanthusus or sees, or is it sisis??"
It's a bit like that mouse, moose or musiss.
Then again, the Fairys did leave the woods because there was not mushroom.
I know a Fairy, her name is Nuff..............Fair enough.

I suppose we can now look forward to quite a long period of cremated meat and/or the smell
of it wafting in the evening breeze and midges taking swimming lessons in our shampers.
Then for further delights there is the skimperly dressed, short skirted, stilletoe clad forms
to further turn the hungry gaze,(and they are just the fellers), but hey ho, live and let live.

And after what seems to be a never ending series of hangovers, inspecting our latest over indulgence
for the second time, sleepless nights after solar excesses, hearing loss,skin peeling and tears.......
we can look forward to the fact that Santa is only some thirty odd weeks away with another round of c/c bills and the like....................
It's a great life!!!!!!!!!!(if you dont weaken)so step it up people...............................Deepen.

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