Saturday 11 April 2009

Ferckled Folicles. (deepen Rambling)

Now that Spring is fully upon us, the grey matter started to twitch, so I decided to arrange for some TLC for mware and duly headed for a suitable venue.Upon arrival I was greeted by a member of the gender required and steered gracefully to a place where foam and warm water were much in evidence."Would you care for massage sir?" was the request, well can a duck swim I thought? and accepted eagerly. As this treatment progressed, the sensations increased with tinglings along my spine reaching all the way to the dingle and as my attitude was prostrate it appeared to me as if I had arrived. Now I am very partial to a bit of ferckling of the folicles in fact having my folicles ferckled is my favourite thing or at least certainly one of them.So, there am I flying on cloud nine with my position being changed on a regular basis and with the addition of various electrically driven devices adding to the what can only be described as a wonderful experience. The use of so many mirrors of course, seemed to enhance this as did the copious use of perfumed products. Alas, as with all good things the end arrived in what appeared to be no more than a trice and in the final moment when something one holds dear leaves ones possession and a deflated feeling washes over the individual like a popped balloon.In the flick of an eye I found myself outside again and as I looked back the thought crossed my mind,"Was that hairdo really worth the £50 I have just paid?".........