Monday 15 June 2009

Not to Knight.......Josephine!! ( Deepen Rambling)

Well that does it for me..........been waiting all morning for the Postie who has just been and would you believe it..........NO KNIGHTHOOD !!............again this year. Thought it was a bit late as it had not arrived by Saturday and assumed today would be the day but not a scorrick, not even a mention in despatches. Well, I can tell you this, if they are intending to treat me in this way year after year and it certainly seems like they are I will definately refuse to accept one when they do offer.

But seriously, am I the only person on this 'ere Planet who is a tinsey winsey bit confused as to why people who achieve a certain status of say famous actor, singer sportsperson etc and get rewarded very well indeed are then further rerwarded with a Queens Honour ? Ok yes I am aware that non famous people do, on occasions, receive awards but cannot for the life of me understand the logic (if there is one) behind an award of a Knighthood for say an actor who has been more than generously rewarded for services rendered. Can imagine many people who work all sorts of hours and in some quite inhumane conditions receiving a lot less for their trouble feeling somewhat grieved,as I do, at this apparent excess. All walks of life are included in this comment and are no doubt referred to as the silent majority, but make no mistake about it.............most peoples existance would be a whole lot less confortable without them.

If I keep banging on about this and that for much longer I will need a new box to stand on at maybe my own "Speakers" corner. The fact of course is, we are continually informed, "It has always been that way" as though in some strange way makes all the difference...............Yeh right......................................................Deepen.

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