Saturday 18 July 2009

Fairs-n-Jams-n-lots of Prams. (Deepen Rambling)

Yes indeed, last Sunday 12th July was the Annual "prampush" day at one small town that has been my home for more years than I wish to remember. Just under and beyond the M1 motorway, northwards, lies this "sleepy" (some would say) little ex-mining community albeit now grown in size with it's shopping precinct and Supermarket replacing an old factory.Once a year since 1973(although with a break of a couple of decades) the town center is closed off for around five hours to through traffic and the crowds of revellers take over. Well you know Prampush really is the excuse for all and sundry and anyone else to have a jolly good old booze-up as the multitudes wander from pub to pub or ride on the fair, eat chips and pizza, hotdogs and the like. I suppose, traditionally, this country is one of a few that still keep up such harmless pursuits, where people have a whale of a time doing absolutely nowt methinks.

Ironically, the Brewery is now closed which used to slack the thirst of so many and I suppose some of the towns residents who can remember that far aback, me included, feel a certain sadness at it's passing but hey-ho "Tempus Fugit".........."What would our so-n-so have thought about that ?" you can almost hear them say as they turn in there new residences.

But getting back "tut-th-push" day, what a lovely day weatherwise with good hearty fare and fair, plastic tumblers of brew, lots of chat and kisses ,not only from the misses, missus, or sometimes Mrs!! (Ooops)
Yup!.....aint it great to be British ??????.............................................Deepen.

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