Saturday 6 June 2009

I say--I say--I say. (Deepen Rambling)

"What a plonker Rodders"........No doubt we have all heard that remark and it would possibly fit us all at some stage in our life as I know it would me on occasions. Do you ever stop and take stock of what has just passed your lips in conversation, or have thought of something said in the past which later comes to mind and causes you extreme embarassment? Many is the time when finding myself in that situation have wished the ground would have opened up and swallowed me..................Yuck!

Only today whilst out shopping at my local supermarket found myself "in line" (Yankee remark)at the Checkout behind a lady I have known for a number of years and the conversation went something like this...................."Hello Dee, just doing your shopping ?" as she peered into my trolley which was groaning with my prospective purchases..........."Of course not," (I felt like saying) "Just waiting for a bus." What in the name of all sanity did she think I was pushing around ?.........A new born baby perhaps in disguise, or maybe taking my smalls to the laundry ?

On another occasion overheard one Guy talking to another about a leaking tap at his home when the listener said, "Have you tried turning it off".........WHAT !!......Bet he thought of saying something like, "No as I like the sound of running water."

This one absolutely slays me................Talking recently to a friend about some lovely lunching experiences with my regular Lady Companion, happened to mention a few Restraunts we have visited recently and how much enjoyment had been experienced. Each time I put forward a name this person replied with, "That's an expensive place to dine", or "That place is SO DEAR" as though I was enquiring about a recommendation. There again felt like saying, "Pin back your lugholes I have just been there and understand how much things cost you silly old P***t" but of course I didn't and just changed the subject like the Gentleman I work very hard to be these days..........."Hey Ho" aint life great..........if you dont weaken.

All this frustrating nonsense is a part of lifes rich Tapestry we all encounter from time to time and I suppose we can always go somewhere quiet and have a damn good SCREAM!!!..............................................Deepen.

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